Invitation to the cinema

Invitation to the cinema

Published :
May 2, 2024

The ROCASM GÎM invites the population around Ste-Anne-des-Monts, on May 7, and New Richmond, on May 15, to attend a free screening of Nicolas Philibert's film Sur l'Adamant.

This year, the Regroupement des organismes communautaires alternatifs en santé mentale GÎM (ROCASM ) has come up with an original way to mark National Mental Health Week, which runs from May 6 to 12, as well as National NO to Control Measures Day on May 15, by teaming up with parallel cinemas Les Jamais Vues in Ste-Anne-des-Monts and CinéBobine in New Richmond, to offer Gaspesian residents a free screening of Nicolas Philibert's film Sur l'Adamant.

L'Adamant is a psychiatric day center, housed on a barge moored on the Seine in the heart of Paris. Attached to a hospital, the center welcomes outpatients and engages with them in a process of empowerment and acceptance, notably through music, painting and body expression workshops. Filmmaker Nicolas Philibert went to meet Adamant's patients. What we see is the fruit of his many visits, during which he gained the trust of these wounded, highly medicated individuals. In front of his camera, they form a kind of disenchanted, resilient chorus.

Representatives of the Droits et Recours team and other mental health resources in your community will be on hand to meet you during the performances.

Come one, come all!

Have you witnessed or are you a victim of abuse, questionable care practices or outright mistreatment in mental health?